Watch Enthusiasts And Car Enthusiasts - An Interesting Connection.

Seiko SCED041 Ripley

An interesting article turned up this week. It was entitled “Can Someone Help Me Understand Why Car Enthusiasts Are Often Also Watch Enthusiasts?”, and I thought surely there is an obvious answer to that question. 

The article by Elizabeth Blackstop appeared on the website which has the mantra “Drive Free or Die”. The obvious answer to me was that cars and watches involve mechanical wizardry that similar brains are likely to find interesting, and stimulating.

I think that assessment is correct but there are wider connections and the article teases out some great comments including a connection between motor cyclists and photography. Is it just a love for gadgets, connecting with life’s journeys, or related to adornment – look at me, look at my car, look at my watch. It is possibly a bit of each of those and a whole lot more. Either way, I recommend you read the article, and please don’t miss the comments. 

And the lead photo? That is me polishing my VW Polo GTI while wearing a Seiko SCED041, “The Ripley”, designed by famous Italian designer Guigaro for the movie Aliens. Guigaro also happened to design the original VW Golf, forerunner to the VW Polo – wheels within wheels.

